With a large, clear span area for construction, in-ground water storage and permanent pump capacity that can be doubled when needed, Alden’s Building 24 has hosted an impressive collection of models throughout the years.

Models in this building typically are used to evaluate and develop design solutions to improve safety and performance of pump intakes, suction piping, junction structures, and drop shafts. This large laboratory space allows our staff to conduct numerous hydraulic modeling projects simultaneously. Additionally, other types of specialized investigations have worked their way into the building, including models that evaluate designs of any type of conduit or conveyance channel or control structure where flowing water is involved.

Building Specifications

  • Approximately 15,000 square feet of clear span modeling area
  • 22,000+ gallons of in-ground water storage sumps
  • 100+ horsepower of permanently installed pump capacity, with the ability to install 100+ horsepower of additional pumping capacity as/where needed