The Verdantas Team (as Flatwoods Consulting Group, Inc.) conducted surveys for the (Caracara Cheriway) and their nests within the approximately 22,483-acre Ona Mine. Each of the survey blocks within the Ona Mine were surveyed six times by an experienced ecologist from January through March for a total of 84 survey days. Survey sessions began at least 15 minutes prior to and continue for three hours after sunrise in accordance with survey protocols. Surveys were conducted by qualified biologists with at least two-years of bird survey experience and 20-hours of caracara survey experience. All caracara locations (including flight paths) were marked on an aerial with details including time of day, number of birds, and age class of the birds (juvenile or adult), if known. Weather conditions including temperature, wind speed and direction, cloud cover, visibility, and precipitation, were also recorded at the start and end of each survey period.
A survey report including a brief narrative description of the field surveys, as well as tabular field notes, maps of caracara sightings and caracara nest observations was prepared.
Environmental Assessment & Remediation
Mosaic Fertilizer, LLC
Hardee County, FL