Verdantas offers on-going support to a semiconductor manufacturing facility located in southern New Hampshire.  This facility manufactures gallium arsenide wafers using a Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) process.  Due to the laboratory-style operations and hazardous gases and liquids involved, the facility requires on-going safety program management and staff involvement.

Employee Safety Committee

Verdantas leads the facility’s monthly safety committee meetings.  Once per month, a selection of employees from upper managers to lab workers meet to discuss on-going safety needs and events.  These meetings incorporate the review of near-miss reports, anticipated future events, and scheduling regular tasks such as facility safety walk-throughs and training.  Quarterly, the team develops a report of safety events reviewed by the committee, which is distributed to all employees in the facility.  Verdantas uses their combined experience to guide and direct the safety committee while allowing the attending members to exercise their agency in directing facility safety programs.

Employee Training

Verdantas provides both live training services to facility employees, as well as assisting facility staff in developing and presenting their own training classes.  It is Verdantas’ approach to empower clients to manage and develop programs as much as possible to bolster facility staff engagement and develop positive long-term corporate environmental health and safety (EHS) habits.

Company Program Development

Verdantas offers ongoing support to assist the facility in developing internal safety programs, such as chemical spill response, lockout-tagout, facility safety inspections, and new chemical review forms / change management procedures.  As with training, the goal is help prop up the facility’s programs currently in a manner allowing the facility to continue managing them in the future themselves as much as possible.



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